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"For more than half a century, during which kingdoms and empires have fallen, this Union has stood unshaken. The patriots who formed it have long since descended to the grave; yet still it remains, the proudest monument to their memory. . ."

                                                 - Zachary Taylor


Here is a list of your testimonials


It is with deep pride I enter into this brotherhood. Not a step I take lightly. I've worn my leather vest for years, and refrained from adorning it with any patches. I know that this vest represents me. It represents the very things that I believe and stand for. I was introduced to the Blank Check Society last year at a VFW function, and I was interested in learning what they stood for. Once I learned what that mission was, ensuring every veteran was honored for his or her service, I knew I had found a home. I'm thankful for this brotherhood, and I appreciate their acceptance. I was proud to serve my fellow Americans, and I'm proud of every veteran whose life has come to an end. May their memory never fade, and their sacrifice be always honored. I've now adorned my vest proudly with the three piece patch of the Blank Check Society. Always faithful, proud to be a member.

Kevin B. McGonigle ("Mick")

Hilliard, Florida


Only on a day like today…

 …do I crank up big red for a ride that I don’t want to make.

…does sound of dual pipes roaring out USA thunder not make me smile.

…it’s a sad emotion upon removing the cover off Stars and Stripes and placing it in the holder.

…does the wind on my face not feel refreshing.

…the snap and pop crack of old Glory shake like sharp bolts of lightning.

…our bikes are packed together in an impenetrable group.

…our eyes are steely and throats are tightened.

…we let people pass by and stare without response.

…red lights and stop signs are run with impunity.

…our bikes and actions talk louder than words.

…Grave Riders not place poles in the ground at hallowed earth.

…reflection that we all will make this passage one day.

…the Club returns its true dues to the community.

…a tear is shed and splashes upon the fuel tank.

…we ride the final mission of a neighbor.

…true meaning as Brothers and Sisters of The Blank Check Society of America fill your hearts.

Eric Lewis - "Co-Founder BCS"

Hilliard, Florida


AWESOME ride and VERY PROUD to honor these fallen vets. We also discovered a TRUE BLANK CHECK SIGNER: Ollie Henderson who at the young age of 19 died in action during WWII... GOD BLESS him and his family. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE

Mike Mekara - Chaplain BCS

Hilliard, Florida, Nassau Co. Chapter - BCS